Here is a collection of some of the cool stuff that has happened since being blessed with children. This blog is for Olivia, Davian and Colton. I love all of you very much.

The original blogs are still up and you can find links here to them, but now that we have three little ones, it seems appropriate to combine them. Colton, do not think this means I do not love you. When you are a parent, you will understand this decision. ;-)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

My dad would not let me go hunting with him, but he did let me where his hunting jacket. I cannot wait until i am old enough to go out with my dad in the woods

Sunday, November 22, 2009


I love me sea dog hat. Daddy an' I like t' talk like this an' look fer buried booty.

So do nay mess wi' me hat, or ye will be havin' t' keel haul th' plank an' swim wi' th' sharks

Decided to put on my Swimming Suit

Just because i can!

Crazy Shower Curtain and Rug From Mommy

ya, i know i need to finish the molding and frost the windows! (dad)

This is so funny, i like taking a bath with my new monsters!

Being Silly @ Uncle Dave's

Cousin Sophia has some cool toys!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Baking a Cake

I am baking a cake with mom and dad. Got sick of this very quickly. My attention span is only up to 5 minutes at most.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Brushing My Teeth

I like brushing my teeth, but only if nobody helps me out.

Potty Training

Starting to potty train. I do not really have the hang of this, but it is fun making mom and dad walk in here everytime i say i have to go.