Here is a collection of some of the cool stuff that has happened since being blessed with children. This blog is for Olivia, Davian and Colton. I love all of you very much.

The original blogs are still up and you can find links here to them, but now that we have three little ones, it seems appropriate to combine them. Colton, do not think this means I do not love you. When you are a parent, you will understand this decision. ;-)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

@ The Park Again

I love going to the park and playing on the swings. I am not sure if you have every checked out one of these so-called swing sets, but they are a blast. I laugh like crazy on this!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Swimming In The Pool

Dad made a huge mistake and bought a pool for the back yard thinking this would be a good idea. Because this blog post was done late, I can tell you the future.

Two dead squirrels later and only two swims, Dad has decided to though out the pool. About a 400 dollar gift-gone-byby. He was out of town while dead squirrels were getting eaten by the chlorine. To much to clean up then swim in.

Everyone, resist the temptation to buy one of these stupid backyard pools!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Went To Frankenmuth

Dad just leaves me with Mom, Olivia and Aunt Vicki so can go fishing or something. Not really enjoying this.